The Story of a Fudge

A block of fudge was sitting at a table
It was no ordinary fudge
It was a special fudge
It was the answer to the world beyond
A key to the unknown
Yet no one knew of the fudge's ultimate purpose
It was treated as if it was another ordinary fudge
The fudge felt sad
It decided to run away before it got eaten
So he jumped off the table and called for help

Mr Rat was a hunter
He would snatch anything possible off the ground
Yet Mr Rat didn't eat the fudge because he knew there was something special about it
He took the fudge outside
The fudge thanked him and Mr Rat went back to his normal life
Outside there was a carriage waiting for the fudge
The fudge hopped on and the carriage took him to the next world
This filled the fudge with great excitement
He was off to his next destination


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